Write the Word – A Bible Journal

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The journals have details in gold foil on the cover and on the every page inside.

A few months ago, at the very beginning of the year, I was looking through Lara Casey’s website when I came across her three Bible journals, all titled “Write The Word”. I had just finished reading the Bible in its entirety for the first time (more on that awesome, incredible experience later!) and was dreading a year with no pre-scheduled, daily devotional time. So naturally, into my cart the journals went.

Although I haven’t quite been using these as regularly as I would like to, it always makes my day a little more special when I do. Whenever I need a serious pick-me-up, these journals are what does the trick for me. And apparently I’m not the only one – my cat is obsessed with them, as well!

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The right page of each spread is blank, to be filled with whatever is on your heart that day.
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On the left side of the spread, you are given verses to write out, as well as space for a little gratitude journaling – one of my favorite things about these journals.

Writing verses seems to work very well for me – writing is my deepest core and brings out my true self and my emotions like nothing else. Plus, the gold foil is gorgeous. Might sound superficial but hey. A girl likes what a girl likes!

Do you devote time regularly to Bible studying? I’d love to hear about it in the comments!

xox – Lady Reykjavík.


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